Portfolio of Hope

Nature landscape

When I am on the edge of something, I often feel a sense of disconnect from everything. With the sun seeming to rise and fall on the same day, every day can feel like a continuation of the last, ‘Groundhog Day.’

Except, unlike ‘Groundhog Day’, this isn’t a movie, this is my life. My one, precious life, for which I constantly find myself asking:

Nearing my twenty-third year, I feel like I should be doing more with my time.

When, by the age of 23, my mum was married with a kid, soon to have a second one, yet that ‘second one’ (me) is still living at home, still working out how to answer the question of, ‘So, what do you do?’, I constantly feel like I’m ‘behind’ in life…

Our belief that we should be doing more is a product of capitalism, where productivity, by definition, is:

‘The rate at which a company or country makes goods.’

Productivity and our need for it is therefore man-made (i.e., unnatural/not how nature intended us to live)…

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

As in our name, human BEings, we are not supposed to be constantly ‘doing’. In fact, sometimes the healthiest thing that we can do is to just…

Acknowledging how, where everything and everyone has a path to follow in life, we are all on the right path, simply by virtue of being alive.

We are all worthy of the good that life has to offer simply (or rather, miraculously when the chances of any of us being here are just one in 400 trillion) because we are alive, full stop…

toxic productivity
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Instead of constantly rushing to and from places, slow down and look around.

On your commute home from work, log out of your emails, put your phone in your pocket, and just be in the present.

Being intentional about your time in nature, going for a walk where walking is the only goal, where you’re not walking to get something or to do something, you’re just going for a walk, putting one foot in front of the other and taking in your surroundings, can serve to remind us of just how beautiful the world is…

Photo by Cody Board on Unsplash

And so, when I get the all too familiar ‘tugging’ feeling in my chest of, ‘You should be doing more’, I remind myself of this simplicity, for which nature holds all the answers, if only we pause long enough to listen, and stop long enough to see. 

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